Set alata Brüder Mannesmann M29089 108 u 1

18.000.00 рсд


Set alata Brüder Mannesmann M29089 108 u 1.

10-year manufacturer’s guarantee

3 compartments equipped with high-quality tools

case can be locked

  • Compartment 1: Reversible ratchet 3/8″
  •  Extension 10 mm 3/8″ 75 and 100 mm CV steel
  •  11 socket key inserts 10 mm 3/8″ CV steel, Edge System SW 10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/21, Spark plug insert 10 mm 3/8″ 21 mm CV steel
  • Reducing piece 10 x 6.3 mm (3/8″ x 1/4″) CV steel
  •  Screw grip 1/4″ mm, CV steel
  •  8 1/4″ socket wrench inserts, CV steel, SW 4/4.5/5/5.5/6/7/8/9 mm.
  •  cutter 9 mm
  •  10x snap-off blades 9 mm
  •  terminal crimp pliers
  • Tape measure 5 m
  •  ball peen hammer 300 g
  •  Tray 2: Workshop File 200 mm, Screwdriver PH 1 x 75 x 100 mm PH 2, flat-tip 5.5 x 75, 4 x 100, 6.5 x 150, 8 x 150 mm precision mechanics slotted screwdrivers 2.5 x 75 mm, cross-head PH 00 x 75 mm, water pump pliers 250 mm, combination pliers 180 mm, wire cutter 160 mm, needle-nose pliers 160 mm
  •  Tray 3:8 Open-end wrench CV, chrome-plated SW: 6 x 7/8 x 9/10 x 11/12 x 13/14 x 15/16 x 17/18 x 19/20 x 22 mm
  •  9 wrench 1.5/2/2.5/3/4/5/6/8/10 mm saw blade 150 mm
  •  5 replacement saw blades.

Made in Germany.