SAM R30M Xsplained Pro je hardverska platforma dizajnirana za procenu modula SAMR30M18A. Ovaj komplet podržava Atmel Studio, integrisana razvojna platforma, koja pruža unapred definisane primere aplikacija. Ovaj komplet omogućava lak pristup različitim karakteristikama modula SAMR30M18A i nudi dodatne periferne uređaje za proširenje karakteristika ploče i olakšavanje razvoja prilagođenih dizajna.
- ATSAMR30M18A module is an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant wireless module for 700/800/900 MHz applications
- ATSAMR30E18A (ARM® Cortex® -M0+) System-in-a-Package (SiP)
- Single-ended RF output through the PCB castellated pad
- Radio module with a link budget
- RX sensitivity up to -105 dBm
- TX output power up to 8.7 dBm
- High precision 16 MHz crystal oscillator
- On-board chip antenna for quick evaluation and an SMA connector for conducted measurements and external antenna
- On-board MCP2221A USB-UART/I2C convertor for observing console logs from the SAMR30
- On-board AT30TSE758A Digital Temperature Sensor
- Integrated temperature sensor, non-volatile registers, and serial EEPROM
- Two wire I2C and SMBus compatible serial interface
- On-board 4 Mb SPI Flash
- Footprint provision for evaluating CryptoAuthentication™ device ATECC608A/ATECC508A
- Power supply options
- USB (Default option selected by on-board power multiplexer)
- Host XPro through extension header
- Battery header
- Standalone operation with power supplied through USB header
- Current measurement header
- Debug SWD header
- Digital I/O
- Xplained Pro extension header comprising SPI, I2C, and UART interfaces of the ATSAMR30M18A
- One RESET button and one user button
- Two user LEDs
- One LED for power indication
- One QTouch® button
- Supports Performance Analyzer example application in Atmel Studio