Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 DAV-6152CEU Corded weather station Max. number of sensors 8.
Highlights & Details
- Alarm Alerts: Temp, Humidity, Wind, Rain, Ice, Air pressure
- Features: Barometric Pressure, Barometric Graph, Indoor Temperature, Outdoor Temperature, Indoor Humidity, Outdoor Humidity, Min/Max Readings, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Windchill, Dew Point, Rain Gauge, Touch Screen, Backlight
- Historical Data Storage: 2000 – 3000
- Max Wireless Temp Sensors: 5
- Compass rose: 22.5 °, 16 compass directions
- Rainfall rate: 0 , 1999.9 mm
- Dew point: -76 , +54 °C
They maintain all the highest and lowest values (and/or totals or averages) for almost all weather variables of the recent days, months and years and their own weather forecast – everything without using a PC. It is equipped with an innovative, integrated sensor unit, which combines the rainfall collector, the temperature and humidity sensors as well as a wind meter in one device, which makes the setup of the device very easy and further improves the power and the reliability.
The Vantage temperature sensors have an accuracy of ± 0.5 °C and the accuracy of the outdoor humidity sensors is ± 3 %. In real situations, however, large deviations can occur through the incident sunlight and the heat reflected from roofs or from the road surface. The included irradiation protection shield (weather shelter) provides a substantial protection. Select the actively ventilated stations for an even better accurary – especially on warm, sunny days with less or no wind. A fan sucks the air through the sensor chamber and blows it out again above at the shield. This improved air flow helps achieve more exact temperature and humidity measurements. The effect of radiation heat and reflected heat is minimised and the conditions inside the weather shelter correspond to a large extent to the ambient air.
Set up your own customised weather station by adding one or more sensors. Each Vantage Pro2 weather station can receive data from eight different transmitting stations.
The Vantage temperature sensors have an accuracy of ± 0.5 °C and the accuracy of the outdoor humidity sensors is ± 3 %. In real situations, however, large deviations can occur through the incident sunlight and the heat reflected from roofs or from the road surface. The included irradiation protection shield (weather shelter) provides a substantial protection. Select the actively ventilated stations for an even better accurary – especially on warm, sunny days with less or no wind. A fan sucks the air through the sensor chamber and blows it out again above at the shield. This improved air flow helps achieve more exact temperature and humidity measurements. The effect of radiation heat and reflected heat is minimised and the conditions inside the weather shelter correspond to a large extent to the ambient air.
Set up your own customised weather station by adding one or more sensors. Each Vantage Pro2 weather station can receive data from eight different transmitting stations.
- 24 h display
- Date
- Sunrise and sunset
- Adjustable weather variables
- Atmospheric pressure trend
- Rainfall rate day/month/year
- 5 weather symbols
- Maximum/minimum values for day/month/year
- 70 programmable alarms
- 4 special alarms
- Up to 100 graphics can be shown in the display (without PC)
- Possible displays on the station together with optionally available sensors: Evapo-transpiration, leaf moisture, ground moisture, incident sunlight, UV-dosage, UV-index, ground or water temperature, temperature-/air humidity/wind index
- Display together with the Weather Link software: Degree of growth days and solar energy.
Scope of delivery
- Console with mains adapter
- Sensor unit with rainfall meter, temperatur and humidity sensors and wind speed meters
- Transmitter
- 30 m connection cable