Merač otpora uzemljenja Metrel MI 3123 CAT IV 40V – merni uređaji i instrumenti Elektroleum
Highlights & Details
- Measurement with clip-on ammeter or probes
- Good/poor-display
- Magnetic holder
- Measurements: Standard earthing resistance with probesErdungswiderstand
- Selective earthing resistance measurement with 1 or 2 clip-on ammeters
- Wire-specific earthing resistance
- Leakage current and load current check with clip-on ammeters
- Built-in rechargeable battery and charger
- 2 earthing test leads 4.5m (blue/red)
- 2 earthing test leads 20 m (green/black), 4 earth probes
- Power supply
- 6 NiMH batteries (AA)
- Measurement manual and instructions on CD
- Quick instructions.