Provera gama pokazuje vam odmah bilo kakvu radioaktivnu kontaminaciju. Brzo očitavanje (očitavanje doze zračenja u µSv na sat). Omogućava vam brzu proveru hrane, opreme i građevinskog materijala s obzirom na moguću radioaktivnu kontaminaciju (očitavanje nulte vrednosti u odnosu na prirodno pozadinsko zračenje).
Radiation dose reading range: 0.01 – 999.9 µSv/h
Accuracy: ± 10%
Auto power-off
Detector: Geiger-Müller tube
Highlights & Details
Quick and easy radiation measurement
Adjustable radiation alerts
Acoustic clicks indicate number of ionization events
Headphone jack
Number of ionization events displayed by audible clicks
LCD with yellow background lighting for better readability
Automatic switch-off (Auto Power Off) has proven itself in front of empty batteries
Displays the average number of events during chosen reading periods
Adjustable radiation limits. Default settings based on the limits recommended by the Radiological Protection Institute of Germany
Allows choosing sampling times from 30 seconds to 3 minutes (longer sampling means increased reading accuracy)
Enables cumulative sampling of the radiation dose over a couple of days with notification when the chosen limit has been reached.